Saturday 4 June 2011

Parents and Children Relation

Maintaining good relations with the children is a must for parents, because that will help to understand the children and also to instill confidence in their offspring. In the present world, where parents spend lot of time out of the home, maintaining relations with the kids is becoming an issue in the world.

Good relation with children mean that parents share their opinions with the kids fairly and meeting their entertainment and other needs. Good relation also mean that children share their experiences with their parents. Good relation demands friendliness between the parents and children. Fair treatment of both the kids in the family also forms part of good relation.

For maintaining good relation, parents must have patience and should take over some time for their kids. Even if it is difficult to find time in these days of busy days, this is a must for the parents to over come that problem. Parents should not feel it drudgery  to spend some time with their kids.

Lack of 'good relation' or relation at all, will spoil the children and will tell on their future. If parents fail to notice what their kids are doing in the leisurely hours will lead to bad decisions. When child is falling prey to bad habits, controlling them would become difficult to the parents, if they do not have relations with their kids.

Parents should take some time out from their daily schedule and that should be devoted to the children. After coming from office, parents shall go to the children strait away and say hello. After refreshing, shall sit with the children and tell what happened in the office and on the way to it. This will prompt the children to open up and they will tell their experiences.

Those parents, who come late in the night shall interact with the kids in the morning hours, say bye when the kids are leaving for school. This type of parents shall make it a practice to spend some time in the weekends. If it is possible, shall take the kids out for some ride around the town.

Most important part of parent and child relation is the money factor. As we know children do not have any earnings, they depend on parents for that. So parents have to give some money every month or fortnightly to the children for their needs. Apart from paying fee and buying books and other material, children will have needs like buying eatables and sport items.

Here parents must show cautiousness and check how the kids are spending the amounts being given to them. If the children using the money only to eat and they are eating more than what is deserved, parents must warn the children against it. Kid must be told about the danger of over eating.

Usually in the age group of 2 to 12 years, kids did not spend amount on unwanted things. Problem begins only in the teenage. They start visiting pubs, bars and gambling houses. This activity should be checked by the parents and if they found the children in such activity, should control it.

Parents shall encourage the children to share their experiences whether they are bad or good. If the children do some mistake and tell it, it shall not be taken as offence and should be discussed why it has taken place and who  is responsible. If parents scold children, when they tell the mistake they did, in  future they will stop to share such information and this will do lot of ham.

Whenever a child achieves something, parents must congratulate them and encourage them to more better. Parents shall know the activity in the school and how the child has done. They shall encourage the children to the participate in the school activity so that their social awareness increases.

Another issue to be taken care of between the parents and children relation is using the resources available with the family in a proper way. Parents must tell the value of each item in the house and tell the children how to guard them. They shall tell the loss that could accrue if the house hold articles are spoiled or damaged.  

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