Tuesday 31 May 2011

Ways to Improve Memory in Children

In the previous part (children and memory) we have discussed what is memory and how it develops in the children. In this part we would discuss how to memorise lessons and how parents could teach children the ways to do better in studies.

As told earlier, lessons are a different type of material in the world. They are a group of sentences having known and unknown words to the children. The lessons tells about an object or a concept orally and did not show how they work in reality. The concepts discussed in the lessons in some times are complex and most of the times confusing. These is the main reason for the children to lose their concentration.

Children reproduce lessons in two ways. In one way they reproduce the lessons in their own words and in the second way they by heart them and reproduce. The first way is a good way since it did not impose much stress on the child. The second way is tougher one since it involves reproduction of lessons sentence by sentence in an orderly manner.

The disadvantage in the second way is losing the track. If a kid loses a line in the lesson there is a danger of losing the entire lessons and he has to begin from the starting point. This takes lot of time and the children will lose their confidence in studies.

The first way will have lot of advantages. Once the child understands the lesson he could not forget the content and did not lose the track. This will not put stress on the children and they could complete the work in time.

There is no problem with the children who follows the first way, but the problems will be with the second way. Children have to spend more time to by heart the lesson. If the child has good memory it could by heart the lesson in a short period. If the memory is less, child takes lot of time to by heart the lesson.

Even after the child by hearts the lesson perfectly, it may lose the track in the reproduction process as they may forgot the lesson.

Reasons for forgetting the lessons is lack of confidence in the children. Children, those did not have confidence develop fear at the time of reproduction and they lose concentration and fail to reproduce the lesson.

So the key in developing memory is to build confidence among children. It should be done both at home and at school. At home parents should take care of children's study and encourage them even if they fail to reproduce the lesson properly. Parents should tell the children again and again that they can do what they have to.

At school, teachers should not punish the child or humiliate it, if fails to reproduce the lesson. Teacher should encourage the child to recollect material and give some time to build their confidence again. Teachers shall explain the complex concepts with good examples so that the child could understand what was the subject material about.

Complex words should also be explained and teachers should see that the child understands at least to the minimum level. A minimum understanding over the complex word will give confidence among the children and they will be able to reproduce.

Parents and teachers will have to understand the basics of how the brain works. Usually brain tries to differentiate between two objects and stores them in their respective category. It always compares the object with the one already exists in its database.

In case of explaining a new concept to the children it is always desirable to exhibit the concept with tools that the brain understands and  the explanation should take over the entire concentration of the brain so that it remembers the issue and stores in its database.

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