Saturday 2 July 2011

Children and Home Made Food

A problem being faced by lot of mothers is feeding the children. It becomes quite difficult to so many mother in feeding the children everyday. Children insist on not to eat and mothers take lot of pains to give some food to the kids. Often kids like cookies, chips, ice cream and other tasty food. Most of these are called junk food.

Junk food did not give strength to the body and weakens the appetite of the children. If they are denied such type of food, they create raucous and did not leave until the parents provide such food. This is a common scene in every house where there are children in the age group of two to ten years.

Children always prefer outside food than the one cooked at home. They insist going to a bakery or to a restaurant. Kids insist on spicy, chill and sweet food. Though such food is given, it will not give any result. But most of the times parents become helpless.

Usually children have to be given diet according to their age. They shall be provided with carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins. The food being cooked at home consists off all these but the children did not like them. Most of the junk food contains only carbohydrates and that causes obesity.

So mothers shall try their best to give home food to the children so that they can get wholesome food everyday. But how to make it happen is the big question.

Usually mothers insist children to eat what they have cooked and did not take in to consideration the likes of children. This is one major cause for children's aversion to the home made food.

Under such circumstances it is better to prepare the food at home which is spicy as well contains all the nutrients a child needs. Mothers shall observe what type of spice children are preferring and it is advisable to add those in the regular food.

Coercion is not a tool to make children to take home made food. If the parents insists the children to eat whatever is cooked at home, children develop aversion and stop taking food. Instead parents shall make the children to agree to eat the food prepared at home.

Children did not understand what is good and what is bad food. They did not distinguish between good and bad food. They only like what appeases them. So it is a waste to enlighten children on the good and bad food and there is no use in convincing the children.

Kids like garnished and flavoured food. So mothers shall take some time to prepare food and shall give a good shape so that children are being attracted to them. Garnishing, adding flavours and colors will help the mother to make the food attractive.

At the same time, mothers shall note that children did not like routine and they like some change from time to time. So mothers shall change the food items and prepare various types of foods that could attract the children.

This may look like a strenuous job for mothers and in particular to those who go for jobs. But they have to take some time and shall do some exercise in learning new types of food items. This will cause some burden but in the interest of the children it is a must.

Friday 1 July 2011

Motivating the Children

Motivation is an important tool for parents in bringing up the children. Parents shall know how to motivate the children to achieve certain goals. It is also important to set goals for the children so that they can prepare themselves for competitions in the future.

Motivation is nothing but encouragement, reminding the duty, encouragement, support and help. It is like a tonic to the children that gives the potentiality to them. It is like guidance to the kids to lead their life in proper way. A path to achieve heights in their life.

Parents shall start the motivation from childhood. The levels of motivations shall be increased step  by step so that the child did not feel the pain.

Before taking up motivation, parents must understand the children's mind set. They shall know in what field and subject their children are good at. Parents shall know whether the child has interest in sports, arts, academics and etc. Then they have to find out how that field will help the children to make money or name.

After that they can set the goals for children. If a child shows interest in mathematics they can be encouraged to take up IT, commerce, economics and marketing. If a kid shows interest in science it can be encouraged to take up medicine, bio technology, science research, research in physics, chemistry and more.

After deciding the field that suits the child, parents shall set goals for them to achieve. They shall set goals like scoring better in that particular subject. Latter they can be asked to read books of that particular field other than text books so that they can increase their knowledge. The kids must be told that they shall excel others in the particular subject.

Once child starts understanding the subject, they shall be asked to go for competitions and win them. Once a child wins a competition, it will gain confidence and that will encourage them to go deep in to the subject. For achieving the goals, parents shall support the child in all kinds. They shall be given needed books and other material. If there is a need they can be sent to coaching. They shall be given enough time to prepare in that subject.

If a child takes up sport as career, then the child shall be given proper training under the supervision of a good coach. The child shall be given all the material that particular sport needs. They must give the food that is needed for that particular sport.

Same is the case with the other subjects and careers. Parents shall provide all types of support to the children so that they did not lag behind.

However, parents shall not coerce the children to select particular subject in which the they are not good at. It is always needed to encourage the children to take what they really like. If the child is forced to take up other subject than it likes, they will not be able to concentrate and will feel lot of pain in their mind.

That will create aversion on that particular subject and they end up as failed person. So parents shall encourage the children in the subject or field that is much closer to their hearts. One shall keep in mind that no subject is less than the other. All subject give ample scope to grow high.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Still Born Babies

Still born babies and baby deaths in the world still remain even in this era of advanced technology and science. In this advanced era one still born baby out of every 150 births are still born taking place. The world leaders are not focusing on this issue and the governments are failing to address the problem.

In medical terms if a baby dies after 20 weeks after the mother becomes pregnant is called still born baby. This happens because of lot of reasons undetected at the time of pregnancy. Most of the couples did not take any care after the wife conceives.

It is rampant in the third world countries and still exists in the developed nations. At the same time the governments, couples and doctors could not be faulted for this. Even genetic problems will also cause the problem.

In third world countries still the deliveries are taking place at home and this is depriving them off the medical assistance in time. There is a need to educate the under developed nations' people about the importance of deliveries at the hospital.

Apart from this baby deaths are also taking place in high number in the world. Babies born with low weight, lung related diseases, heart problems, less growth and lack of immediate medical assistance are dying within 10 weeks of birth.

This problem may not be erased totally but can be reduced with the efforts of the medical people, governments and non governmental organisations. First of all the pregnant women shall be educated about the complications related with deliveries. They shall be enlightened to undergo tests at the maternity hospitals periodically to check the health of the baby growing in the womb.

Doctors shall check the medical history of the couples whether they have hereditary problems. If those problems could not be corrected, they shall be advised to abort the child. So that the pregnant does not under gos unmeasurable misery.

Still born babies and baby deaths will shock the parents and will frighten them to go for second child. Doctors shall discover the problem and take corrective measures and encourage the couple to take care while going for second child.

Couple shall also take enough care as soon as the wife conceives. Apart from taking the wife to the doctors shall assist the wife to deliver the baby safely. Husband shall give psychological strength to the wife so that she can carry the baby without fear.

Governments shall increase maternity facilities in their countries and shall put in place all needed equipment in them. They shall see that there should be enough doctors in the hospitals. Nursing home shall be set up in near by areas.

Pregnant women shall under go ultra sound tests to find out the babies growth is good or not. They shall follow the doctors advice and shall take medicines and prescribed food for the better growth of baby. The family shall assist the pregnant to cope up with the problems.

At the same time the medical world shall under take research on the causes for still born babies and on the baby deaths. They shall come out with tangible results so that the women could gain the fruits of them.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Kids and Teachers Relationship

Teachers are the next people to parents in moulding the character of kids. The knowledge, guidance, supervision and training will mould the child in to a person. Personality of the children will start taking a shape at school level. The guidance they take at the school will mould their life. The teachings of the teachers will become the basic elements of the personality that settles down in a person's life.

The teacher and student relationship is sacred, strong and affectionate. Teachers show a strong influence on the students. They leave a mark in the hearts of the students. That is why children remember their teachers through out their life.

Children will imitate and follow their teachers along with their parents. In most of the cases kids adopt good qualities of the teachers.

So parents and teachers shall act as ideal persons to the children. Teachers shall behave properly before the students. They shall teach the students how to behave at home and in the society. Teachers shall understand a student and shall act according to them as much as possible.

They shall find the good qualities of the students and encourage them to maintain such qualities. They shall also find out the skills of the students and help them to improve them. If teacher confines only to teach lessons and examining the home works, they could not build a relation with a student. If a teacher works like a robot that will spoil their relations with the kids.

As much as possible teachers shall behave with affection with the children. Children always expect affection from the people around them. If a student is punished he or she shall be soothed at a latter time. Student must be told that the punishment was given to correct them and a teacher will not be an enemy to him or her.

Teachers shall not discuss worldly affairs before the students. This will bring down the reputation of them in the eyes of the children. Teacher shall dress properly and shall have a smile on their face. They shall not beat the children at any cost.

If a teacher finds that a kid was doing something wrong, he or she shall warn the child against that. If the teachers ignores the wrongdoings of the children, they will take it for granted and that settles down in their minds.

Teachers' words will have a lot of influence on the children. So teachers shall always tell good things to the children. They shall also tell what is bad. Children will follow what their teachers say religiously and teachers shall note that point.

Teachers shall maintain relations with the parents of the children and inform about the behaviour of the students. If a child becomes problematic, they shall discuss this with the parents and shall try to correct the problem.

Parents have to speak respectably about the teachers before the students. If the parents talk in a mean way about the teachers, kids will not respect the teachers.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Children and Books

"Tell me the books you are reading. I will tell you what you are" is a great saying. Books are wealth of knowledge and mines of wisdom. Children shall make the books their friends so that they guide them well for their good future.

Books are a good friends to the people. Reading books is a good habit to be adopted. Parents shall encourage children to read as many books as possible, so that the kids can gain knowledge stored in the books. Reading books other than that of text books is not a crime but good practice.

Whether the books contain literature, poetry, history, science and technology all of them are needed to be read. The more books one reads the more knowledge he gains. It is a good practice to make the child to read books from childhood.

To make it a habit to read, story books are a good tool for the parents. Parents shall give the children the story books to read when they are four or five years old. By that time they would develop some vocabulary needed to read simple sentences.

In the latter stages children shall be encouraged to read books being written in a simple language and those written about history, geography, science and technology. In the latter stages they shall be encouraged to read books with complex ideas and theories.

Books give room to a lot of imagination. Since they contain only words and they could not show any visual or do not give sounds, the words in the books leave ample scope for the children to imagine how the thing will be that are being written in the books.

This will expand the children's ability to imagine and some times make them to think. As the imagination of children grew they start questioning and they would gain first hand knowledge. Reading books of various kinds will make them to under stand the text book easily and gives an opportunity to score good marks.

However, one thing should be kept in mind that parents shall not encourage the children to read what they do not like. At the same time they shall take care to see that the books did not contain porn material.

Fiction being written by great writers shall be referred to the children for reading so that they come to know what is classic literature and is non classic one. If children are not able to understand what they are reading, parents shall explain it and if they could not, children shall be advised to approach those are well versed with the material.

Library is a good source of books and good place to read. Since libraries would be calm and there would be lot of readers around, it will be an ideal place to read. Reading the books along with other children is also a good practice. Children shall be encouraged to read out books to other children.

Reading will vastly improves the spelling ability of the children. Parents and teachers shall tell the kids to follow the spelling of words. If the children comes across new words, they shall be told to refer the dictionary so that they can be exposed to it.

Reading vastly will prompt the children to write and this will improve the writing skills of the children. Once the children are able to write what they think, their mental ability will improve.

Monday 27 June 2011

Children and Imaginations

Imagination is a gift being given by God to the human being. Not only thoughts but imaginations will also be there in the human mind. These imaginations lead to many things to happen in the world. They may be good or bad, but they are there.

Children also will have their own imaginations. About themselves, about their parents, about the world, about their future and lot more. Imaginations keep them in good humor and some time they engross themselves in them. These prompts them to do good and bad things.

Thoughts and imaginations are different. Thoughts belong to real world and imaginations belong to wishes and fancies. Thoughts give real picture of the world and imaginations give false and lopsided picture. Most of the times imaginations dominate thought.

A child imagines herself as a queen, a celebrity, a millionaire's daughter, a wise person and in so many other ways. The imaginations will spring from the situations at the home. If a boy or girl did not have good parents they imagine about a good family where parents are good and kind.

If a child belongs to a poor family it imagines itself as a daughter of a millionaire and imagines her life as a millionaire's daughter. Such type of thoughts will give them some satisfaction and gives some strength to face the realities of the world.

Imaginations did not limit to the poor and disappointed children. They also occur in the minds of the children who have enough money and good parents. In these cases children imagine themselves as celebrities or close people to them.

Since they did not meet the celebrities often they satisfy their desire by imagining so. Children also want a celebrity life. They want a lot of following, a shower of compliments. Some want to become sports persons, some want to be film stars and some want to be bigwigs in the society.

Some times this imaginations lead to unwanted conditions. If a child is much interested in becoming a popular film star, it runs out of home searching for opportunities to realise its dreams. A child want to be sportsperson concentrates on that particular sport.

Most of the times children did not know the reality. They did not know how difficult it is to achieve something without having the needed support. To realise  a dream one needs to have a suitable body, conditions at home, having some experience and guidance.

Since children did not have the knowledge of reality, they think that they can do whatever if they are bold. We can see such children in several cities. Out of them only few will realise their dreams.

In these matters parents did not have much role to play since they did not have the knowledge about the imaginations in the minds of their kids. In majority of conditions children did not tell their imaginations to the parents.

However, parents can have a knowledge of their children's imaginations if they regularly watch. The imaginations come out in the talk, behaviour and imitations. If parents can know what a child is imagining they can encourage or discourage depending on the situation.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Children and Good Behaviour

Politeness is the most important virtue one has to imbibe so that he or she can get respect in the society. The same rule applies to the children and they shall be taught about the need to be polite and to follow etiquette. This shall be taught from the childhood.

Due to the changes, the society is undergoing, many children are not taught about behaviour and this is a worrying thing. Some children behave rudely with the neighbours and elders and that leaves a bad remark on the child.

Though such wrongdoings may be ignored in the childhood but not in the age from 10 years onward. People treat children of 10+ age as grown ups and expect good behaviour from them. Whether their children behave in a proper way or not, they prefer other children to be polite.

In the past children used to spend lot of time with elders and they were able to know the civility. But in this days of busy schedules, children are not getting proper guidance from the parents and other relatives. This problem is prevalent in all over the world.

As soon as the child attains 10+ age, parents must observe their behaviour and find out whether it is in tune with the civility or not. Parents must stand as an example for their children by adopting good behaviour. Children will follow their parents.

Proper behaviour starts right from our doorstep. Whenever a visitor comes to home they shall be invited politely and make them feel at home. They shall be addressed respectfully and be attended with sincerely. That gives a good mark to the children and brings respect to the home.

Parents shall tell their children say good morning and other salutes whenever a visitor comes to home. If the visitor needs to be invited in to home, child shall be taught how to call them in to home and how to tell them to show chair. They shall also be told how to behave when a new person is at home. They shall be told not to make sounds and unnecessary things.

When children go out they shall be taught how to behave on road, how to walk on the pavements. They shall be told to walk on the pavements and whenever elder comes across, shall make way for them. Children shall not touch the articles put before the shops.

Whenever children go to other's home, they shall behave in a good manner. They shall greet the members of that family and if they are new, shall introduce themselves. Children shall take permission to sit or to move in the house. They shall not touch the house hold items and did not spoil them.

Most important thing is how to attend a phone. After the advent of mobile phones, 'phone etiquette' has become a debatable issue. Whenever the parent is unable to take the call, children shall receive them and introduce themselves first and then ask the name of others.

They shall hand over the phone as soon as the parents come and did not try to speak with the caller and did not ask more questions. Whenever they call others on phone first they must introduce themselves and tell what they need.