Wednesday 8 June 2011

Kids and Toys

Toys are an important part of the children life as they spend most of their time in the early childhood with them. They also indicate the preferences of the children and tell something about their future. Observing what type of toys children are preferring, would give an opportunity for the parents to have a preliminary understanding the child's personality.

Though personality did not develop in the early childhood and it takes lot of time for that, the toys selection would give some idea to what direction the child is moving. The preference of toys differ in girls and boys. While boys select war, sport and game items, girls select toys like babies, teddy bears and other those are akin to girls.

Though the girls selection of toys did not surprise, selection of boys do surprises. Several boys select guns, soldiers and other war type material, others prefer soft toys like balls, bats and gaming items. Boys prefer electronic items like cars, helicopters and planes and in few cases girls also prefer such type of toys.

Boys who prefer toys like guns and war material like toys could be of aggressive type and their future personality would be somewhat aggressive. Those prefer cars and other moving items would be soft and might like travelling. Children who prefer games are likely to become academicians.

Spending time of the children with toys, also tells something about them. Those spend more time with toys tend to become reserve type and those spend less time tend to be more active. Some children did not prefer to share their toys and this shows that the such children did not want to share their own things with others.

Kids those like to share toys with other children would become more social. However these observations are not totally scientific, authentic and  general, to some extent they give some idea about the children's nature.

While buying the toys, parents shall take some precautions. They shall check whether the toy, intending to purchase causes any danger to children. Some toys contain harmful material. As children always prefer to see the taste of the toys, harmful material used in the toys would cause health problems.

Some children would be allergic to some material and this should be taken care off. If the child develops any problems like rashes, swelling, vomiting, breathing problems after contacting the toys, parents should  immediately dispose them and shall not buy such items in the future.

With the help of toys, parents could teach the children how to keep the things safely. Children shall be taught to place the toys in a secure place and not to throw them here and there. This would inculcate some what discipline in the children.

Buying more and more toys whenever the child demands is not good. Unless child gets bored with the old toys, parents shall not buy the new toys. Kids who break the toys should be taught not do that and shall be told how much  loss has to be suffered because of such activities.  

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