Saturday 2 July 2011

Children and Home Made Food

A problem being faced by lot of mothers is feeding the children. It becomes quite difficult to so many mother in feeding the children everyday. Children insist on not to eat and mothers take lot of pains to give some food to the kids. Often kids like cookies, chips, ice cream and other tasty food. Most of these are called junk food.

Junk food did not give strength to the body and weakens the appetite of the children. If they are denied such type of food, they create raucous and did not leave until the parents provide such food. This is a common scene in every house where there are children in the age group of two to ten years.

Children always prefer outside food than the one cooked at home. They insist going to a bakery or to a restaurant. Kids insist on spicy, chill and sweet food. Though such food is given, it will not give any result. But most of the times parents become helpless.

Usually children have to be given diet according to their age. They shall be provided with carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins. The food being cooked at home consists off all these but the children did not like them. Most of the junk food contains only carbohydrates and that causes obesity.

So mothers shall try their best to give home food to the children so that they can get wholesome food everyday. But how to make it happen is the big question.

Usually mothers insist children to eat what they have cooked and did not take in to consideration the likes of children. This is one major cause for children's aversion to the home made food.

Under such circumstances it is better to prepare the food at home which is spicy as well contains all the nutrients a child needs. Mothers shall observe what type of spice children are preferring and it is advisable to add those in the regular food.

Coercion is not a tool to make children to take home made food. If the parents insists the children to eat whatever is cooked at home, children develop aversion and stop taking food. Instead parents shall make the children to agree to eat the food prepared at home.

Children did not understand what is good and what is bad food. They did not distinguish between good and bad food. They only like what appeases them. So it is a waste to enlighten children on the good and bad food and there is no use in convincing the children.

Kids like garnished and flavoured food. So mothers shall take some time to prepare food and shall give a good shape so that children are being attracted to them. Garnishing, adding flavours and colors will help the mother to make the food attractive.

At the same time, mothers shall note that children did not like routine and they like some change from time to time. So mothers shall change the food items and prepare various types of foods that could attract the children.

This may look like a strenuous job for mothers and in particular to those who go for jobs. But they have to take some time and shall do some exercise in learning new types of food items. This will cause some burden but in the interest of the children it is a must.

Friday 1 July 2011

Motivating the Children

Motivation is an important tool for parents in bringing up the children. Parents shall know how to motivate the children to achieve certain goals. It is also important to set goals for the children so that they can prepare themselves for competitions in the future.

Motivation is nothing but encouragement, reminding the duty, encouragement, support and help. It is like a tonic to the children that gives the potentiality to them. It is like guidance to the kids to lead their life in proper way. A path to achieve heights in their life.

Parents shall start the motivation from childhood. The levels of motivations shall be increased step  by step so that the child did not feel the pain.

Before taking up motivation, parents must understand the children's mind set. They shall know in what field and subject their children are good at. Parents shall know whether the child has interest in sports, arts, academics and etc. Then they have to find out how that field will help the children to make money or name.

After that they can set the goals for children. If a child shows interest in mathematics they can be encouraged to take up IT, commerce, economics and marketing. If a kid shows interest in science it can be encouraged to take up medicine, bio technology, science research, research in physics, chemistry and more.

After deciding the field that suits the child, parents shall set goals for them to achieve. They shall set goals like scoring better in that particular subject. Latter they can be asked to read books of that particular field other than text books so that they can increase their knowledge. The kids must be told that they shall excel others in the particular subject.

Once child starts understanding the subject, they shall be asked to go for competitions and win them. Once a child wins a competition, it will gain confidence and that will encourage them to go deep in to the subject. For achieving the goals, parents shall support the child in all kinds. They shall be given needed books and other material. If there is a need they can be sent to coaching. They shall be given enough time to prepare in that subject.

If a child takes up sport as career, then the child shall be given proper training under the supervision of a good coach. The child shall be given all the material that particular sport needs. They must give the food that is needed for that particular sport.

Same is the case with the other subjects and careers. Parents shall provide all types of support to the children so that they did not lag behind.

However, parents shall not coerce the children to select particular subject in which the they are not good at. It is always needed to encourage the children to take what they really like. If the child is forced to take up other subject than it likes, they will not be able to concentrate and will feel lot of pain in their mind.

That will create aversion on that particular subject and they end up as failed person. So parents shall encourage the children in the subject or field that is much closer to their hearts. One shall keep in mind that no subject is less than the other. All subject give ample scope to grow high.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Still Born Babies

Still born babies and baby deaths in the world still remain even in this era of advanced technology and science. In this advanced era one still born baby out of every 150 births are still born taking place. The world leaders are not focusing on this issue and the governments are failing to address the problem.

In medical terms if a baby dies after 20 weeks after the mother becomes pregnant is called still born baby. This happens because of lot of reasons undetected at the time of pregnancy. Most of the couples did not take any care after the wife conceives.

It is rampant in the third world countries and still exists in the developed nations. At the same time the governments, couples and doctors could not be faulted for this. Even genetic problems will also cause the problem.

In third world countries still the deliveries are taking place at home and this is depriving them off the medical assistance in time. There is a need to educate the under developed nations' people about the importance of deliveries at the hospital.

Apart from this baby deaths are also taking place in high number in the world. Babies born with low weight, lung related diseases, heart problems, less growth and lack of immediate medical assistance are dying within 10 weeks of birth.

This problem may not be erased totally but can be reduced with the efforts of the medical people, governments and non governmental organisations. First of all the pregnant women shall be educated about the complications related with deliveries. They shall be enlightened to undergo tests at the maternity hospitals periodically to check the health of the baby growing in the womb.

Doctors shall check the medical history of the couples whether they have hereditary problems. If those problems could not be corrected, they shall be advised to abort the child. So that the pregnant does not under gos unmeasurable misery.

Still born babies and baby deaths will shock the parents and will frighten them to go for second child. Doctors shall discover the problem and take corrective measures and encourage the couple to take care while going for second child.

Couple shall also take enough care as soon as the wife conceives. Apart from taking the wife to the doctors shall assist the wife to deliver the baby safely. Husband shall give psychological strength to the wife so that she can carry the baby without fear.

Governments shall increase maternity facilities in their countries and shall put in place all needed equipment in them. They shall see that there should be enough doctors in the hospitals. Nursing home shall be set up in near by areas.

Pregnant women shall under go ultra sound tests to find out the babies growth is good or not. They shall follow the doctors advice and shall take medicines and prescribed food for the better growth of baby. The family shall assist the pregnant to cope up with the problems.

At the same time the medical world shall under take research on the causes for still born babies and on the baby deaths. They shall come out with tangible results so that the women could gain the fruits of them.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Kids and Teachers Relationship

Teachers are the next people to parents in moulding the character of kids. The knowledge, guidance, supervision and training will mould the child in to a person. Personality of the children will start taking a shape at school level. The guidance they take at the school will mould their life. The teachings of the teachers will become the basic elements of the personality that settles down in a person's life.

The teacher and student relationship is sacred, strong and affectionate. Teachers show a strong influence on the students. They leave a mark in the hearts of the students. That is why children remember their teachers through out their life.

Children will imitate and follow their teachers along with their parents. In most of the cases kids adopt good qualities of the teachers.

So parents and teachers shall act as ideal persons to the children. Teachers shall behave properly before the students. They shall teach the students how to behave at home and in the society. Teachers shall understand a student and shall act according to them as much as possible.

They shall find the good qualities of the students and encourage them to maintain such qualities. They shall also find out the skills of the students and help them to improve them. If teacher confines only to teach lessons and examining the home works, they could not build a relation with a student. If a teacher works like a robot that will spoil their relations with the kids.

As much as possible teachers shall behave with affection with the children. Children always expect affection from the people around them. If a student is punished he or she shall be soothed at a latter time. Student must be told that the punishment was given to correct them and a teacher will not be an enemy to him or her.

Teachers shall not discuss worldly affairs before the students. This will bring down the reputation of them in the eyes of the children. Teacher shall dress properly and shall have a smile on their face. They shall not beat the children at any cost.

If a teacher finds that a kid was doing something wrong, he or she shall warn the child against that. If the teachers ignores the wrongdoings of the children, they will take it for granted and that settles down in their minds.

Teachers' words will have a lot of influence on the children. So teachers shall always tell good things to the children. They shall also tell what is bad. Children will follow what their teachers say religiously and teachers shall note that point.

Teachers shall maintain relations with the parents of the children and inform about the behaviour of the students. If a child becomes problematic, they shall discuss this with the parents and shall try to correct the problem.

Parents have to speak respectably about the teachers before the students. If the parents talk in a mean way about the teachers, kids will not respect the teachers.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Children and Books

"Tell me the books you are reading. I will tell you what you are" is a great saying. Books are wealth of knowledge and mines of wisdom. Children shall make the books their friends so that they guide them well for their good future.

Books are a good friends to the people. Reading books is a good habit to be adopted. Parents shall encourage children to read as many books as possible, so that the kids can gain knowledge stored in the books. Reading books other than that of text books is not a crime but good practice.

Whether the books contain literature, poetry, history, science and technology all of them are needed to be read. The more books one reads the more knowledge he gains. It is a good practice to make the child to read books from childhood.

To make it a habit to read, story books are a good tool for the parents. Parents shall give the children the story books to read when they are four or five years old. By that time they would develop some vocabulary needed to read simple sentences.

In the latter stages children shall be encouraged to read books being written in a simple language and those written about history, geography, science and technology. In the latter stages they shall be encouraged to read books with complex ideas and theories.

Books give room to a lot of imagination. Since they contain only words and they could not show any visual or do not give sounds, the words in the books leave ample scope for the children to imagine how the thing will be that are being written in the books.

This will expand the children's ability to imagine and some times make them to think. As the imagination of children grew they start questioning and they would gain first hand knowledge. Reading books of various kinds will make them to under stand the text book easily and gives an opportunity to score good marks.

However, one thing should be kept in mind that parents shall not encourage the children to read what they do not like. At the same time they shall take care to see that the books did not contain porn material.

Fiction being written by great writers shall be referred to the children for reading so that they come to know what is classic literature and is non classic one. If children are not able to understand what they are reading, parents shall explain it and if they could not, children shall be advised to approach those are well versed with the material.

Library is a good source of books and good place to read. Since libraries would be calm and there would be lot of readers around, it will be an ideal place to read. Reading the books along with other children is also a good practice. Children shall be encouraged to read out books to other children.

Reading will vastly improves the spelling ability of the children. Parents and teachers shall tell the kids to follow the spelling of words. If the children comes across new words, they shall be told to refer the dictionary so that they can be exposed to it.

Reading vastly will prompt the children to write and this will improve the writing skills of the children. Once the children are able to write what they think, their mental ability will improve.

Monday 27 June 2011

Children and Imaginations

Imagination is a gift being given by God to the human being. Not only thoughts but imaginations will also be there in the human mind. These imaginations lead to many things to happen in the world. They may be good or bad, but they are there.

Children also will have their own imaginations. About themselves, about their parents, about the world, about their future and lot more. Imaginations keep them in good humor and some time they engross themselves in them. These prompts them to do good and bad things.

Thoughts and imaginations are different. Thoughts belong to real world and imaginations belong to wishes and fancies. Thoughts give real picture of the world and imaginations give false and lopsided picture. Most of the times imaginations dominate thought.

A child imagines herself as a queen, a celebrity, a millionaire's daughter, a wise person and in so many other ways. The imaginations will spring from the situations at the home. If a boy or girl did not have good parents they imagine about a good family where parents are good and kind.

If a child belongs to a poor family it imagines itself as a daughter of a millionaire and imagines her life as a millionaire's daughter. Such type of thoughts will give them some satisfaction and gives some strength to face the realities of the world.

Imaginations did not limit to the poor and disappointed children. They also occur in the minds of the children who have enough money and good parents. In these cases children imagine themselves as celebrities or close people to them.

Since they did not meet the celebrities often they satisfy their desire by imagining so. Children also want a celebrity life. They want a lot of following, a shower of compliments. Some want to become sports persons, some want to be film stars and some want to be bigwigs in the society.

Some times this imaginations lead to unwanted conditions. If a child is much interested in becoming a popular film star, it runs out of home searching for opportunities to realise its dreams. A child want to be sportsperson concentrates on that particular sport.

Most of the times children did not know the reality. They did not know how difficult it is to achieve something without having the needed support. To realise  a dream one needs to have a suitable body, conditions at home, having some experience and guidance.

Since children did not have the knowledge of reality, they think that they can do whatever if they are bold. We can see such children in several cities. Out of them only few will realise their dreams.

In these matters parents did not have much role to play since they did not have the knowledge about the imaginations in the minds of their kids. In majority of conditions children did not tell their imaginations to the parents.

However, parents can have a knowledge of their children's imaginations if they regularly watch. The imaginations come out in the talk, behaviour and imitations. If parents can know what a child is imagining they can encourage or discourage depending on the situation.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Children and Good Behaviour

Politeness is the most important virtue one has to imbibe so that he or she can get respect in the society. The same rule applies to the children and they shall be taught about the need to be polite and to follow etiquette. This shall be taught from the childhood.

Due to the changes, the society is undergoing, many children are not taught about behaviour and this is a worrying thing. Some children behave rudely with the neighbours and elders and that leaves a bad remark on the child.

Though such wrongdoings may be ignored in the childhood but not in the age from 10 years onward. People treat children of 10+ age as grown ups and expect good behaviour from them. Whether their children behave in a proper way or not, they prefer other children to be polite.

In the past children used to spend lot of time with elders and they were able to know the civility. But in this days of busy schedules, children are not getting proper guidance from the parents and other relatives. This problem is prevalent in all over the world.

As soon as the child attains 10+ age, parents must observe their behaviour and find out whether it is in tune with the civility or not. Parents must stand as an example for their children by adopting good behaviour. Children will follow their parents.

Proper behaviour starts right from our doorstep. Whenever a visitor comes to home they shall be invited politely and make them feel at home. They shall be addressed respectfully and be attended with sincerely. That gives a good mark to the children and brings respect to the home.

Parents shall tell their children say good morning and other salutes whenever a visitor comes to home. If the visitor needs to be invited in to home, child shall be taught how to call them in to home and how to tell them to show chair. They shall also be told how to behave when a new person is at home. They shall be told not to make sounds and unnecessary things.

When children go out they shall be taught how to behave on road, how to walk on the pavements. They shall be told to walk on the pavements and whenever elder comes across, shall make way for them. Children shall not touch the articles put before the shops.

Whenever children go to other's home, they shall behave in a good manner. They shall greet the members of that family and if they are new, shall introduce themselves. Children shall take permission to sit or to move in the house. They shall not touch the house hold items and did not spoil them.

Most important thing is how to attend a phone. After the advent of mobile phones, 'phone etiquette' has become a debatable issue. Whenever the parent is unable to take the call, children shall receive them and introduce themselves first and then ask the name of others.

They shall hand over the phone as soon as the parents come and did not try to speak with the caller and did not ask more questions. Whenever they call others on phone first they must introduce themselves and tell what they need.

Friday 24 June 2011

Babies and Appearance

Babies look quite cute and dressing and applying make up to it is a joyful activity for the mothers. Mothers take lot of time in preparing babies whether it is at the home or taken outside. Visitors also enjoy a lot watching cute babies with good attire and make up.

From six months onward babies will have a sizable body and it will be ready for a make up. After the bath mothers will apply cosmetics to the baby and dress them. Small gowns for girls, t-shirts for the boys will give a good look.

Though the babies did not have an idea over how they look like, it is for the pleasure of the parents, they will be dressed and applied make up. In a day mother changes the dress for three to four times as the babies spoil their cloths and also apply make up.

After attaining two to three years age, children will have knowledge about their dresses and make up and appearance. They show some interest on their appearance. They insist on wearing few types of dresses available at home. Girls prefer skirts and boys like jeans and t-shirts. However at this stage boys did not prefer cosmetics.

While girls prefer a particular hair style, boys did not care much about their hair style. Girls like pony tail, plaits and other styles, where as boys leave their hair to air. Some boys prefer having some cream applied to their hair so that that could be wet.

Usually boys follow the latest trends in hair styles. They take the cue from the films and from television. They follow the hair style of their favourite heroes and other characters.

Girls did not have much options to the hair styles but they have lot of options when we come to giving care to the hair. Some girls prefer their hair to be trimmed and some did not. Few children like short hair and others prefer lot hair.

Children in their early age use the cosmetics, lotions, creams and other make up stuff that is being used by the parents. While girls use their mothers, boys use their fathers.

Apart from dresses and hair style, shoes also form a part of the dressing material. Here also girls and boys have different preferences. While girls prefer light shoes, boys prefer sport shoes. Boys always compare their shoes with other boys and insist on the brands.

Advertisements on the television will have their effect on boys. They like the brand that are selling more. At the same times they also try to have those shoes that are comfortable for them while walking and running.

As part of of their make up children like having ornaments. Girls prefer ear rings and lobs and chains on the neck, boys prefer to have some thing on their wrists. Few boys prefer to have ear rings but it is a rare phenomenon. Whenever parents take them to shopping children pick up some or other item that adds something to their appearance.

Parents shall encourage the children to have their own styles and did not impose their own styles on them. By refining their appearance children will show their creativity. That will improve their imagination levels.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Low Weight At Birth

Weight of a child is a vital indicator as far as the health of the kid is concerned. Right from the birth, there is a need to watch the weight of the child so that their health could be kept in a properly. Half yearly or yearly weight monitoring is ideal for the children.

Usually at birth child weighs about three kg if it is healthy. If the child's weight is less than that is an indicator of lack of normal health. Low weight at birth time occurs, because the mother had not taken healthy food during pregnancy period. This happens if the mother did not have enough food to eat or she may not have knowledge about the food that has to be taken during the pregnancy period.

As soon as a woman discovers that she is pregnant, she must start taking good food suggested by doctors and health activists. Nutritious and rich in vitamins food will help the child to grow properly during the pregnancy period. There are lot of misapprehensions about the food that has to be taken by a pregnant and that causes problems to the kid in the womb.

Some times even women from good families also fail to take good food due to various reasons. They did not include needed items in their regular food and that causes low weight at the time of birth.

Doctors say that baby's weight between 2 to 3 kg considered some what better. But the parents have to take care of these child and see that they gain weight according to their physic. Usually the weight of any person should be in tune with their physical structure.

The weight and body relations is called Body Mass Index. This is calculated on height and weight. The BMS shall be 20 per cent. That means, the weight of the person shall be not more than 20 per cent being suggested by BMS standards. More weight is considered obecity and less weight is considered unhealthy parameter.

The monitoring of weight will help the parents in how to feed the kid. They could know whether the kid is gaining fat are losing. Gaining fat is bad and no fat is also an unhealthy parameter. If the child is obese, food habits shall be changed so that they lose extra fat. Exercises are also needed to address this problem.

If a child is having low weight than what BMS standards suggest, parents shall know the problem and give good food on the suggestion of the doctors and nutritionists. Low weight may occur due to poor digestion and aversion to food.

Some children did not like lot of food items and insist on few items. If those foods are not healthy, child will become ill and loses weight.

Coming to the low weight at the birth, parents must take care of the child immediately. If mother's milk is sufficient, there is no need to worry. If the mother did not have enough milk in her breasts, the kid can not get what it needs.

In such cases, the child shall be given bottle milk for first six months. As soon as the child starts taking food, it shall be given suggested food. Carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and calcium shall be given for the proper growth of the child. Imbalance food would cause weak body.

When a child is born with low weight, foods that contain fat should be kept away. The child shall be given foods low in fat and rich in nutrition.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Do A Mother Kills Her Child?

A question arises after hearing the news that a mom of US has killed her baby by burring her in the micro woven, do mother kill their own children. Though there are some incidents in the past, where parents have killed their children, still it is not believable that do a mother kills her own offspring.

It has been reported that a mother has killed her three months old kid after burning her in the micro woven. Still it is not clear how this had happened and the mother is facing the trial.

It is astonishing to learn that a mother who longs to have a child kills it, just after birth. But incident that has taken place in United States stands as an example for such phenomenon. We have to believe that some mothers would be so cruel that they do not go back to kill their own kids. But always it is not cruelty but some other reasons that prompt them to do so.

Some mothers indulge in such activities on sudden instinct and repent latter. In countries like India honor killings, girl child killing are rampant in some parts. Fearing about the dowry to pay at the time of marriage some parents kill their girl child as soon as they take birth. In other cases parents kill their daughters even after they achieve the age of marriage, if they love some one and tries to marry.

In fact women are not so cruel like men. They have lot of fondness and forgiveness. They are wet at their heart. Mothers look after their children with lot of affection and they feel pain even if the child rolls down.

Then why some mothers kill their children? Some do it in a spur of moment and some do it with a vengeance on their husbands. It is a nature of the women that they could not control their anger and emotions. Most of the times they leave the house or commit suicides.

But in rare cases they kill their own kids like a snake eats its own offspring. In fact all think that child would be more safe if it is with the mother. But some mothers defy this confidence. But this is not a general phenomenon. Only a mad mother can do such things.

Most pathetic thing is that in such cases no one can imagine such things in advance and there would be no chance to save the child. Children will be kept off their mother only when she is mentally ill and father thinks that it is not safe to keep the child with her.

However, some women did not manifest their cruelty and no one will suspect her. Even the father will also do not expect that his child is not safe with his wife. In micro families there will be no one in the home after the father leaves. Even maids also leave home in the morning. This gives an opportunity to mentally ill women to do what they want.

The bottom line in this issue is that no one can be faulted and no precautions could be taken. Another question arises here is that shall we condemn the women? Shall we excuse her on for one or other reason? A woman could be forgiven if she kills her child on a spur of moment and on an impulse. But if she kills the child in cold blooded manner, she did not deserve any mercy.

Since there is no way to find out that a child is in danger even it is with her own mother, civil society can not do anything. But we can learn a lesson from such incidents. We can not do anything than cursing the mother who killed her child and pity the victim.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Enlightening Girls

As far as the children are concerned, girls have peculiar problems than the boys. Some express their problems and some did not. If the girl child could not tell her problem that will cause damage to her health and to mind in the long time.

Since girls' biological formation is different from the boys, they will have some more problems than the boys' have. Till ten years they did not under go big changes. But after that their body will undergo several changes and they could be seen. They did not understand the changes they are undergoing and why only girls have to undergo.

Some girls will ask their parents about the changes and some did not. Some times parents did not answer these questions and chide the child not to ask such questions and tell that they will learn about them in future. Some parents avoid answering.

This will make the girls to become confused. There are no other source than the parents for the girls to clear their doubts. So they keep their doubts in their mind and some become depressive. This will cause them losing concentration on studies and on other activities.

So, it is the parents' duty to explain the girls about their body structure and the problems they are going to undergo in the future. They shall also be told about why the boys show interest in them and shall explain how to avoid boys from doing wrong things.

Parents, particularly mothers shall explain the girls how they are different from the boys and what their physiological structure is. They shall tell what are the private parts of the body and tell how to hide them. They must also tell how to protect the private parts and their importance.

Usually between 12 and 14 years girls achieve puberty and from then onward they undergo lots of changes. They experience monthly periods when some fluids are being released from vagina. The breasts will become big and they will have some sensations.

Girls shall be told about them and what they are. They must be told that they shall forget the sensations and concentrate on the other activities.

It is not good to avoid answers or chide them if they ask questions. Because parents did not know how to explain the things without feeling embarrassment, they fail to explain the girls about the problems. So, parents, particularly mothers shall explain with simple examples. They can take the examples of how a bud changes in to fruit. How a seed produces a plant.

Examples like how bud becomes flower, how a fruit sheds seed and how animals give birth could be taken and with the help of them, things could be explained.

If parents feel embarrassment, they can explain the things in writing. They can write letters to the girls about the body structure (not giving vivid picture) and the functions of the private parts. After achieving puberty they shall be told how to use diapers and how to dispose them.

At school, teachers of biology shall explain the girls and boys separately about the private parts and their functions. If they feel shy then can prepare CDs and cassettes and give one each to the kids so that they can hear them in private.

Monday 20 June 2011

Air Strikes and Children's Deaths

Children are becoming war victims through out the world and the latest is the deaths of children in the NATO attacks on Syria. Though the world has advanced a lot, children are not being spared from becoming the victims of the wars.

Ever since wars have began in the world women and the children are becoming victims. In olden days women were being raped, children were being killed by enemy forces. In the modern days, the children and women are becoming victims to the air strikes. From the first world war to recent strikes on the middle east countries, children have became victims.

Thousands of children are dying during the strikes and the aggressors are not showing any mercy on the children. Though they claim that no child has been targeted, the reports coming from the field suggest the other way.

Though the developed nations are claiming that their strikes are accurate and they are pointed only on military establishments, they are proving to be wrong. In most of the strikes, children are dying and are becoming impaired for their life. International organisations like UN and UNESCO are not showing any interest in this area and are unable to control the aggressors.

Victim countries are unable to raise their voice and the media is also failing in proving that the children are being made victims in the air strikes. The NGOs working for the children are unable to make the world listen their voice and this is becoming bane for the children caught in the war ravaged countries.

Not only the children are losing their limbs and life in the strikes, they are not able to get enough food and medical aid in time. Due to air strikes, the transportation is being suspended causing dearth of food and medicine.

In some countries even the hospitals are being destroyed and are being destructed by the air strikes. Thousands of mothers are losing their children and the children are losing their parents. The other countries are not bothering about this issue.

However, there is a need to raise the voice against this cruelty and put an end to the victimisation of children in the war.

When a country is going to come under attack, the international agencies must put their observers there and find out whether the children are being killed or not. The countries under attack must protect the children by placing them in a distant locations from the striking areas.

Parents must also take away their children to safe and secured areas so that the kids did not become victims. If possible they shall build under ground bunkers and keep the children there. International agencies shall take up campaign against those countries who are stinking the civilian areas.

International laws must be implemented against those countries which are either using the children as covers or bombing the civilian areas. The other countries shall also bring pressure on the aggressor countries not to victimise children.

Children shall be taught how to protect themselves when air strikes are being taken up. However this is possible only in the case of children about 10 years. Below 10 years old children can not protect themselves and the communities shall form groups to protect the children.

The neutral countries shall send medical and food aid to the victimised countries so that the children are not denied food and medical attention.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Shall Children Watch TV?

Now a days parents are much worried about their kids watching TV. They are in dilemma over whether to allow the children to watch the TV or not. Some parents allow and some deny. But children insist on watching TV.

Let us first discuss what content the TV is showing now. Except channels meant for kids, most of the channels are rolling out shows like detection, crime, beauty, sensational, horror and some times adult content. Apart from this minions of advertisements are being shown on the TV.

Though the children in the early years, did not show interest in content other than meant for them, after crossing the age of10 years they show much interest to watch the content doled out for elders. Most of this content is not understandable, but kids prefer to watch them.

Why children show such interest in material meant for elders? Probably they want to convey the message that they are growing up. May be they want more spicy content than what is presented in the kids' shows. While boys want to watch content like action and war, girls chose to watch the beauty tips and cosmetics.

Most of the channels did not realise that the content they are presenting would be watched by the children. They did not mind children watching such shows, since they are interested in growing their ratings and number of audience.

So far there is no control on the TV channels and no censorship for the content. The content being presented is seen by all including children.

Under these circumstances, it becomes the duty of the parents to take care of their children and impose self censorship. Parents have to find out the channels and shows that are not fit for the children. They shall warn the children watching such shows. They must tell the children move away from the TV when such shows are being telecast.

When parents are not at home, they shall lock the TV and allow to watch only the channels that are suitable for kids. Parents must note that if they show much interest on a show, children will also follow them. It is advisable not to discuss about the content of the shows before the kids.

A bad thing with TV is that kids try to do what is being shown on the TV. So the parents have to be cautious in this respect. They must tell the children that what is being shown on TV is not possible in reality and technology is being used to shoot some shots.

Parents shall note the actions on the TV that cause danger to the children. For example if in a show an action like hanging some one is shown, parents must tell the kids that while shooting, some tricks are being used to shoot that action. Lest children will try to emulate that action and if it misfires, the other kid participating in that will lose his life.

Children also try to imitate scenes like bed room activities. This will create bad ideas in their mind and they become pervert. If children indulge in sexual activities in the early years, that will remain in their mind and their attention will stay on those activities.

So, it is the duty of the parents to decide what content shall children see on the telly. If possible, they must lock the channels and shows. They shall advice the children about the dangers in emulating the actions on the TV.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Sports and Children

Training the kids from childhood in games and sports is essential. This will make them fit and keeps them healthy. It also gives the children an opportunity to use their leisure time in proper way and in future will help them to become stars in their respective sport if conditions allow.

Usually kids will have natural instinct to play. In the early childhood they spend lot of time in playing. Baseball, football, shuttle and other sports are their favourites. However, playing at home did not give them proper training and did not teach the basics of the sport.

If the child is showing good interest in a sport and spends lot of time and enjoys a lot, this must be taken seriously. If the child engrosses himself in the sport it is good sign and indicates that the kid has a future in that particular sport.

At this time, parents must take it as an opportunity and show him a proper way. Sending them to the sports academies is a better way to hone the skills of the children. Stadiums with coaches will also train the children. Parents must encourage the kid to participate in the tournaments and win them. However, kids shall not be compelled to win all times.

Parents must note that winning is not sole aim of participating in a tournament. Kid shall be given some opportunities to prove himself. Step by step success is a proper way to achieve success. Getting sponsorships is the other important thing to note.

If a parent is unable to spend the needed amount on the child, they shall seek sponsorships. The successes, a kid gets, will attract sponsorships.

In the case of children who do not show much interest in the sports also shall be encouraged by parents. Because sport gives an opportunity for the child to overcome the stress he or she undergoes at home and at school. Playing will improve their blood circulation and keeps them healthy. Playing will improve their physical stamina and gives opportunity to with stand any strenuous physical needs.

Most of the time parents feel that girls did not need sports. But this is a wrong notion. They will also need physical fitness. A physically fit girl can concentrate on studies and other activities well.

At home if possible, children shall be provided sports amenities. A baseball or shuttle court will be ideal for the kids. They shall be encouraged to share their sports equipment with other children. This will prompt other children to do the same.

At schools, children shall be provided with sports courts and equipments. They shall be given some time to play. Each school shall have a coach to train the children the basics of the sports.

Learning basics of the sports will help the children to view matches at stadium or on the TV in a proper way. This will give them the ability to know who is the best sports person and whom shall they encourage. At the same time, if the child practices the sport, he will have a first hand information about the skill and they will be able to appreciate the skills of the good sportsperson.

If a child has problem in taking up the sports as habit, he or she shall be encouraged to learn games. Board games and others will improve their mental ability and gives enjoyment. Playing the games will refresh their mind and allows to concentrate on studies.

Friday 17 June 2011

Children and Parental Influence

Kids like imitating their parents and close relatives and family friends. This will do some good and some times bad. If the parents and other have good habits usually children will learn them. At the same time if the parents have bad habits, the children are tend to imitate them.

Imitating others is common among kids. They like it very much and it is common for them. It comes naturally to them. Since they have no control on their activities they imitate the parents and others. They take pleasure in such activities.

They imitate walking, talking and behaviour styles of their fathers mostly. They also imitate their mother and this is seen less commonly. Most of the times imitation becomes a part of their personality building. Some habits of father and mother comes genetically. Even the kids inherit some habits from their grand parents whom they did not see.

This is a good opportunity for parents to mould their children. If the parents have good behaviour and conduct children will learn them. If the parents have bad habits like lying before others, stealing things, getting angry over trivial things and lack politeness, children too make it a habit. If the parents did not keep the things in an order at home, this too will become a habit. But this rule may not apply in all times.

So parents have to be cautious about their behaviour. If they have bad habits those will have their bearing on the children, that habits shall be kept away from the kids. Even before parents come to know that kids are imitating them, it will be too late. Parents must keep their habits away from children, if they are bad.

If a father is a boozer it will have its effect on the children. Kids think that taking alcohol is not a bad thing and as soon as they become elders, they start taking alcohol and some times become boozers. This will spoil their health.

If father spends more money, children will not honor the money and they too spend more irrespective of their income levels. Father goes on taking loans, kids follow the example. In case of social rules, parents defy them, children too follow the suite.

In summery, home is a lab where children under go transformation. If the parents do bad experiments, children will become victims of them. In a home, parents must behave properly so that the children are not being influenced by bad habits and behaviour.

Parents must tell the children about the good and bad and show it in the practice. If they found any bad person around the house, it is advisable to tell the children not to follow that person at any cost. If it is possible, kids must be kept away from them.

Even in the case of environment around the house, parents must check for the bad things that are potential enough to spoil the children, it is the duty of the parents to keep them away from that place. Parents did not hesitate to change home.

Relatives and family friends are the other areas where children could be influenced. However, we can not keep the children going to them. In such circumstances, children shall be told what is bad with the relatives and shall tell not to imitate that. At the same time, children shall be told not to reveal this advice before those relatives who have bad habits.

Such type of conditions shall be handled carefully so that relations between the families did not spoil. When children imitate bad habits of the parents, it shall be handled softly. Children shall not be beaten up. They must be counselled in soft manner.

Thursday 16 June 2011

When Diseases Revisit

It seems children are being taken for a ride as far as their right to health is concerned. Their right is condemned in many countries including developing countries. To have vaccine at the early age is the unavoidable right of the children.

A report that fight against the measles is back in several countries including European countries is a worrying thing. Till 2009 the disease was on the regression and the WHO has decided to declare eradication of the diseases all over the world.

However its dream was shattered as about 28 sub Saharan countries and few European countries reporting that the disease is back. A report by Michael Smith of Med Page Today suggests that all is not well with the fight against the measles.

It is disheartening that a developed country like France is losing out the battle against the disease. The reason is reduced funding for the eradication of the disease.

Though the world has enough doses of vaccine, the problem is that they are not being administered properly to all the children in the world. In the under developed countries vaccinations is being neglected and the children falling prey to the disease.

Since few years, the governments all over the world are some what complacent about the diseases that contact the children at early age. Most countries are of the opinion that since the vaccines are available there is no need to worry on the governments' part.

Heavy concentration on the diseases like HIV and other have diverted the attention of health departments of various governments. The administrators down the level have virtually ignoring and not checking whether vaccines for measles and other childhood diseases were being given properly or not.

One must note that giving vaccines in the towns is not enough and it must be observed that vaccine must reach all the children in a country. In several countries remote areas are the neglected lot and no check is their on those areas whether vaccinations is taking place properly or not.

Another problem in the under developed countries is that still deliveries are taking place in the homes. With this the officials were unable to have information about the birth of the children and vaccination to them. Until a case surfaces, the attention is not diverted toward those diseases.

Since international health agencies are reducing the funding to eradicate such diseases, several agencies are not showing much interest in the children related activities. The international health organisations must note that any gross reduction in funding to the child health programme will prove catastrophic as the measles has proved.

Health activists must bring pressure on the government sand international organisations so that they shed their complicity. Child health care shall be taken as priority subject and it could not be ignored. They must enlighten parents about the importance of vaccination and drive them to pressure the respective governments.

Several times it has been proved that negligence will cause return of catastrophes. World can not take the diseases easily and think that they have disappeared from the world. There is a need to the diseases, especially those related to children regularly and prevent them from recurring again.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Parents Relations and Children

Relations between parents are very important and any hitch between them would cast its shadow on the child's future. Children will be sensitive, innocent and they did not understand the complexity of the problems between father and mother. They could not understand why their parents are entering in to quarrels.

In this backdrop, parents must note that skirmishes between them would have their adverse effect on their kids. It is advisable to keep the differences between them to themselves and did not show them before the children. Whenever parents wants to vent out their ire, they shall do it out of the house or in secrecy.

Relations between the husbands and wives are becoming more fragile these days. The changing world is imposing lot of stress on the relations between the husband and wife and increasing the distance between them. This is much prevalent in the homes where parents both are employed.

Now a days the parents are having different tastes and preferences. If the husband want to spend less, wife demands more spending and vice versa. Selection of home, car, fridge and other house hold items also may cause clashes between wife and husband. It is pathetic to note that for several times parents did not bother to come to an understanding.

As the parents try to have their say in running the house, a gap takes place between them. If they did not realise it in the early days the gap widens and finally the marriage ends up in divorce. This is leading to single mothers.

Bad relations between the parents will put lot of stress on the children. Children fear about these clashes and start thinking about them. This will divert their attention and causes failures. Some times this will make the children to develop bad ideas about the marriages and about their parents.

Usually children like to be with father and mother. They did not want a division in their family. If mother leaves home forever, they miss the father. If mother gets married with another person that will cause pain in them. The step father or step mother may not provide the same love and affection to them.

Broken relations between the parents will cause fear psychosis among the children and they will live with it in the entire life. They may lose their confidence in the marriage bond. They might become addicted to alcohol and drugs. This will spoil their life forever.

A bad mother will create hate in the children toward all female and a bad father will create hate about all the male. Even children may lose interest on their life and they lead a sedentary life.

Whenever parents find gap between them, it is advisable to avoid a clash before the children. It is better to discuss the differences in the bed room and try to sort out them. Parents shall not sit alone at home and do not show sad mood. Whenever children are around them it is advisable to play with them.

Mothers shall not weep before the children as they did not understand the cause. Father or mother shall not scold their spouse before the children. This will create bad opinion among the kids. It is advisable not to tell the differences between them to the kids as they did not understand.

If the parents have decided to divide, it is better to maintain good relations with the kids. They shall call the child every day find out what they are doing. Children shall be taken out weekly once so that they can enjoy he company of parents.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Sexual Abuse of Children

Child abuse is much prevalent in many countries and this is a worrying factor for the parents and for the activists of child rights. Particularly sexual abuse is a much worrying factor. Unfortunately most of the countries are not considering it as a serious issue.

Children are the most vulnerable people in the world. As they are innocent, do not know what abusing is and could not report it to the parents and become silent victims of this menace. Parents also could not find out this abuse, until abuse manifests itself in any form.

Parents and teachers are the key players in preventing this and they have to be pro active. They have to teach their children particularly the female children about the abuses and tell them to report it, whenever it takes place.

Unfortunately, parents and teachers did not tell the kids what is sexual abuse. They feel shy to speak about these issues and feel sensitive. Many parents even shy to speak about the private parts of the human beings. This is aggravating the situation and causing abusing menace.

Child abuse could be of several types. Kids may be asked to show their private parts, private parts may be touched, elders may show their private parts, kids may be asked to see their own private parts, they may be asked to speak about private parts. Some times children may be told to pronounce obscene words and etc.

In few cases male child may be asked to perform sexual activities like chewing others' private parts. Female child may be raped and their breast may be squeezed by elders. Not only at private parts, the abuses takes place in the other parts of the body. Children's cheeks, thighs, buttocks and other parts will also be abused.

Children innocently fall prey to these sexual predators. They do not know what they have under gone. They only remember these abuses only when they feel pain,

In these circumstances parents and teachers have to be proactive to prevent these occurrences. Parents must tell the children about the private parts and why they are being hide. They shall tell in simple words about the functions of private parts and tell them not to allow anyone to touch them and speak about them.

Parents and teachers must also tell the children to protest any sexual assault or touch. Parents and teachers need not shy to tell them. They simply can tell that private parts are much important in life and they shall be protected from others.

Just this simple advice will convey a lot to the children and they will understand. At school teachers have to tell the functioning of private parts and also what use they are off, after kids grow in to adults. Children must be told not to do any experiments with the private parts.

Child activists could bring about booklets about the private parts being written in simple and enlightening ways. Each child must be told about the changes occur in the body as they grow adult and what are the consequences of these changes.

Usually those near to the children indulge in abuses. Uncles, cousins who have crossed the age of 18 years, neighbours and those who move closely to children indulge in these activities.

Governments must introduce subjects about sexual abuse in the school curriculum and special work shops should be held to educate the children.

If a child is severely abused and sustains bleeding injuries at the private parts, will continue to fear about sex in the entire life and lose interest in it and become isolated.

Monday 13 June 2011

Heart Rendign News

The news that a one and half year baby had under gone as many as 16 surgeries after birth is not only heartrending but also brings tears to the eyes. This news being reported by Health Destination has sent shock waves among the Dubai people, where this child has born.

The 16 month old baby was taken to the surgery table for 16 times is probably rarest of the rare cases as far as child's health is concerned. The child has under gone these surgeries for correction in breathing problem. Finally it has reached home safely is the sweet news.

All over the world millions of children take birth every day an at least one percent of them under go surgery for ailments in the body. Some children born with cleft lip, heart related problems, liver, kidney and other internal organs' problems. In a fraction of cases unless the baby is operated upon, they can not survive.

At the same time thousands of babies die off due to non availability of surgeries and medical attention in time. In the under developed countries this problem is much rampant and on behalf of developed countries nothing is being done.

There is immediate need to address this problem and organisations working for childrens' health have to take steps in this direction. At the same time, the countries where this problem is prevalent governments have to take proactive steps to educate the parents and have to make arrangements for the medical attention.

Most of the ailments in the internal organs take place because of genetic problems of the parents. Some diseases come hereditary and some come due to anomalies in the genes of the parents. Marriage between those who are advised not to get married, cause ailments in the internal organs. So far there are no methods to find out what type of genetic errors cause such problems.

There is a need to take up research in this area and medical scientists have to find out what genetic error causes what type of organ failure at birth. So far they are able to find out few of genetic errors that cause diseases in the children by birth. But their research has to go a long way and so much support is needed.

Governments in the under developed countries are not funding adequately to the research in genetic mapping and they are depending mostly on the developed countries to find out solutions for the genetic problems.

Every child has a right to take birth in proper condition and no one could deny it. However this right is not being recognised all over the world and this is causing deaths of millions of children due to failure of internal organs.

In this issue individual parents are totally helpless as they did not know what is in store for their kids. Till the birth of the baby they will dream about them a lot and wait with lot of enthusiasm. But when they come to know that their child has irreparable problem, will break down.

In this cases money becomes more important and in most of the cases parents can not bear the expenditure and leave the child to its fate. Now it is the time for governments and child activists to act and take up research and formulate policies and programmes that helps the needy.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Aliens and Children

Aliens are the most attractive subject for the children now a days. In the conversations of most of the children aliens do take place. This shows how much interested are they in aliens. However it did not cause any damage to children. Rather than it expands their imagination capacity and keeps them busy.

If we ask ourselves why aliens attract children, the obvious answer would be the news about them in the TVs and news papers, films on that subject and fears that aliens might attack earth any time. Here parents do not have much role.

But like any other habit, aliens might also become an addiction to the children and few of them might try to contact them. They may make experiments being suggested by those who did not have much knowledge. In this back drop parents have to be cautious and warn children about the dangers of trying to contact those, whom we did not know.

So far no credible evidence is being presented to the world about existence of aliens. No one could say surly whether people  on the other planet are friendly or not.

Aliens is not only a hot topic among children but also in the youngsters. Even elders also show interest about aliens occurrence and news about flying soccer.

In fact aliens is a very interesting subject. Since the man entered in to space, so much thought has been given to this subject. Many writers, intellectuals and astronomers are discussing whether there is life outside out planet. Several novels being written about the aliens and their behaviour. If there is life, like human beings on the earth, on another planet, whether they are much intelligent than us or not is the moot question of these discussion.

Those who have the knowledge of aliens usually think about how to deal with them, if they are seen really on the earth. How could we communicate with them? Whether they are friendly creatures or not, are the some of the questions nagging the enthusiasts.

Now we discuss whether we shall allow the children to think about the aliens or not. My opinion is that they shall be allowed. While thinking about the aliens children come across several issues related to astronomy. They can gain the knowledge of planets, galaxies, how life emerged on the earth and other issues relating to celestial matters.

Of course the shows on the TV did not give much knowledge about the aliens but, the books, articles and documentaries do give lot of knowledge. Parents can leverage this opportunity and divert the attention of children who are much interested in celestial things toward astronomy.

Future much promises about the opportunities in astronomy field. Research, engineering, IT related activities and others will give lot of job opportunities to the children when they go for jobs. So far no subject is not introduced about the life on other planets. In this context parents shall help the children by giving books about astronomy.

Aliens, itself is a much enthusiastic subject. As we feel so lonely on  our earth, people on the other planets also feel the same way. Once we come in to contact with other world, our knowledge will not find no bounds.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Mobile Phones and Kids

In this electronic era, the children are the most exposed ones to the hazards of electronic devices. Several studies indicated that the human beings are vulnerable to the bad effects of usage of electronic gadgets. Since children are more vulnerable, it is important to see that we shall take care of them from falling prey to these hazards.

Children unknowingly fall prey to these hazards as they did not realise and care about the problems. Their joy in using these gadgets over powers the fear of bad effects and children become victims of the electronic gadgets. It is not easy to convince the children in this regard and live examples are needed to explain the problems.

Several studies categorically stated that the mobile phones' radiation would cause danger to the health. Though most of the children did not posses mobile phones, they use the phones of parents and fall prey to its radiation. Usually children speak for a long time with their relatives and friends and become victims.

Parents shall check this and warn children about bad effects of using the mobile phones. It is advisable not to give mobile phone to the children whenever they demand. They shall be allowed to speak on the mobile only when the situation warrants. Rather than placing the mobile phone close to the ear, the children shall be asked to use head phones.

Head phones will keep  the children at a distance from the mobile phone and thus protects them from the hazards of these gadgets. Children shall be advised to use land lines than mobile phones for their communication needs. However, they can be allowed to send messages and ring tones. Keeping the phone near to the ear cause heat at the end of the ear and this will damage the sensitive parts of it.

Since mobile phones contain lot of applications than a land line, they attract the children more. Kids play  games, listen music, see videos and do some other activities. This leads to spend of lot of time with the mobile phones by children. This causes wastage of time and also causes loss of concentration on other things.

As now mobile phones could transmit, store and present videos, there is a danger of reception of porn videos. This will disturb the kids attention and raises lot off questions in their mind. This will expose them to the attraction toward opposite sex and they may try do some sexual experiments.

Already internet is causing lot of problem with porn material and now mobile phones has made it much easier to get such material. It shall be advisable to the parents to check their mobile phones for unwanted images and videos.

Parents must keep mobile phones in safe places where children could not find easily. It shall be better to lock the phones with security code so that children can not open the phone easily.

Usually children in the age group of 4 to 10 years will have knowledge about the mobile phones and parents of those age group of children shall take necessary precautions. Parents shall  not buy mobile phones for kids till they attain  the age of eighteen years.

Teachers at school shall observe whether any kid is carrying mobile phones with them. If any student brings it he or she shall be warned against. At the same time, they shall also tell the kids the hazards of using mobile phone frequently.

Friday 10 June 2011

Assessment of Kids

As comparing the kids with other children is so bad, knowing how other kids are doing is much better. There is a little difference between comparing and having knowledge about other children. When we compare our children with others, either we underestimate our kid or will develop some pride. Both the attitudes are bad. It is always advisable to be objective about the children while assessing them.

When we compare our children we take in to consideration our kid's behaviour and others'. If our kid's behaviour is bad and others' is good, then we look down them. This will cause pain in the child. If our kid's qualities are better and others' are bad, we take pride and  this will make our children feel great.

So, for an objective analysis of our children, it is advisable to gather the qualities of other children and then weigh whether they are good or bad. Then choose the good habits and qualities and shall try to inculcate in our children. However this activity shall be done without the knowledge of the kid.

If the children come to know that they are under scrutiny, they will pretend abnormally and try to hide their real qualities. This will not give us an opportunity to have an objective analysis.

When children or compared with other children and looked down, they feel offended. This will cause noconfidence among the children. So either looking down or praising unnecessarily pose danger to the children.

For knowing other children's qualities parents shall have to be socialised and share their experiences. At this time also parents have to cautious. They shall not boast about their children are talk meanly about them. Here another thing has to be kept in mind. If parents of other children boasting their kid's qualities, it shall be checked.

Even a discussion with our own kids will also gives some information about other kids. Interacting with the teachers will tell much about the other kids. Since teachers deal with lot of children, they will have a good knowledge about the kids. Taking the teachers' advice is very much desirable.

Tell About Your Kids

Through this blog you can share your experiences with your kids with others. Feel free to write about your kid's qualities and how she or he is doing at school and in the society.

If you have knowledge about incredible children, do share them also. This will create some enthusiasm among the children and parents and will make parenting a joyous thing. However, please be objective when you are saying something about the kids.

When you are writing about incredible kids, make it sure that it is correct, real and accurate. Any exaggeration would cause much damage.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Kids and Immunity

First four or five years of children's life are most important in view of attack of diseases and health problems. This stage is vulnerable in the children's life and parents have to be cautious in this aspect. Any negligence might cause danger to the child. Some times the diseases might take the life of the child and cause damage to their parts of body.

A damage to the child's body parts will become a anathema to their lives and will cause them to lose their status in the society. Parents shall observe the children whenever they manifest unwanted changes and must take doctor's advice to correct the condition of the child.

Vaccination is more important in the first four to five years of the children. In advanced countries, hospitals take care of this and in under developed countries, vaccination is a problem. If the children are not vaccinated, they would fall prey to diseases like  hepatitis, diphtheria and other diseases.

Children in the age group of 0 to 5 years do not have much immunity against the diseases. Their immunity will not be able to face the bacteria and virus that attack the children. Apart from vaccinating, children should be given balanced and nutritious food every day. In the world majority of the children suffer with deficity of iron  that causes anaemia.

Giving food that contains just carbohydrates is not enough. Others vitals like proteans, minerals and vitamins have to be supplied to the body with the help of various types of feeding. Children should be given cereals, milk, fruits and leafy food, so that they get what their body needs.

Apart from developing the muscle in the children, it is also important to see that the bones and nerves also develop in a better way. Food, prescribed by the doctors will help the parents for the all round development of children.

Some children would be allergic to some foods and parents must notice that and avoid such food items. Even if the child insists on that type of food, parents must counsel the children about the bad effects of those eatables. Encouraging the children to take enough water every day is desirable. Water in any form should be be taken by the children, so that they will not feel dehydration.

Parents shall observe what type of food items, the children are taking outside the home. They must examine whether the eatables contain harmful chemicals are other harmful material in that food.

So in the early childhood, parents must observe the body condition of the children and take precautions. Motions, vomits, fever and cough are the symptoms that tell the presence of disease in the body. Parents, if necessary, on the advise of the doctors must allow medical tests to the children so that any life threatening disease could be detected in the early years.

Loss of wait, less growth in terms of height are also other indications of lack of nutritional food and presence of diseases in the child's body. Obesity, lean body, dots on the body, problems with eye sight are also indications of presence of diseases in the body.

Functioning of glands like thyroid and others will also have their say in the children's healthy growth. More and less secretions will cause damage to the kid's body. This mal functioning of the glands shall  be corrected in the early childhood, so that kids did not fall prey to health hazards.

Clean environment, enough exposure to sun light and others will help in proper development of the children. If children are always kept in darkness that would cause skin diseases and more exposure to sun light will cause dehydration and skin related diseases.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Kids and Toys

Toys are an important part of the children life as they spend most of their time in the early childhood with them. They also indicate the preferences of the children and tell something about their future. Observing what type of toys children are preferring, would give an opportunity for the parents to have a preliminary understanding the child's personality.

Though personality did not develop in the early childhood and it takes lot of time for that, the toys selection would give some idea to what direction the child is moving. The preference of toys differ in girls and boys. While boys select war, sport and game items, girls select toys like babies, teddy bears and other those are akin to girls.

Though the girls selection of toys did not surprise, selection of boys do surprises. Several boys select guns, soldiers and other war type material, others prefer soft toys like balls, bats and gaming items. Boys prefer electronic items like cars, helicopters and planes and in few cases girls also prefer such type of toys.

Boys who prefer toys like guns and war material like toys could be of aggressive type and their future personality would be somewhat aggressive. Those prefer cars and other moving items would be soft and might like travelling. Children who prefer games are likely to become academicians.

Spending time of the children with toys, also tells something about them. Those spend more time with toys tend to become reserve type and those spend less time tend to be more active. Some children did not prefer to share their toys and this shows that the such children did not want to share their own things with others.

Kids those like to share toys with other children would become more social. However these observations are not totally scientific, authentic and  general, to some extent they give some idea about the children's nature.

While buying the toys, parents shall take some precautions. They shall check whether the toy, intending to purchase causes any danger to children. Some toys contain harmful material. As children always prefer to see the taste of the toys, harmful material used in the toys would cause health problems.

Some children would be allergic to some material and this should be taken care off. If the child develops any problems like rashes, swelling, vomiting, breathing problems after contacting the toys, parents should  immediately dispose them and shall not buy such items in the future.

With the help of toys, parents could teach the children how to keep the things safely. Children shall be taught to place the toys in a secure place and not to throw them here and there. This would inculcate some what discipline in the children.

Buying more and more toys whenever the child demands is not good. Unless child gets bored with the old toys, parents shall not buy the new toys. Kids who break the toys should be taught not do that and shall be told how much  loss has to be suffered because of such activities.  

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Adapting to School

Making the children adapt to school environment is a tough job. However it is necessary and inevitable. This should be done in a friendly manner and should not hurt the child. Till the child adapts to school environment, parents should show patience.

Children, who grew up in the home environment, usually resist going to school. They did not like to sit in a class room for hours. The class room environment did not allow them home like such facility. At home, children move around the home, eat, drink and play and behave in the way they desire.

But at school, the moving area becomes much smaller and there would be other children usually from 20 to 30. This environment would be new to children and some adapt immediately and some others take some time. At this stage, children feel some pressure. This should be understood by parents.

At home, children did not have a time table or a time to time activity. But at school, this will change and there would be time table and time to time schedules. Children would be insisted to do some work in a little time, to which they are not yet ready. This type of environment prevails for two or three years and it takes time for the child to adapt to the environment.

At school, children did not have individual attention like at home, and they would be one among the 20 to 30 children.  This makes them to fear about. Child has to do certain activities under supervision of teachers and before other children. Some children will perform easily and some fear to do it.

As soon as the school days begin, their regular schedule will alter. They have to wake at a certain time in the morning and complete their preparation as quick as possible. Children have to pick up the school bus and reach in time. If they do some late, will miss the but and also miss the school.

Some schools punish the children those are late to school and this makes children to feel ashamed. Teachers would watch them closely and report whatever wrongs takes place. If the child do some wrong, this will be informed to the parents and they question the children about that.

In this backdrop one could imagine how much stress a child has to bear when they are send to school. Usually children will have lot of fear and the school environment frightens them. So making the children to adapt to the school environment a tougher job.

To allow the children to adapt to the school environment easily, parents have to take certain precautions. For some months in the early days, they should not insist their offspring to go to school  regularly. If the child did not want to go to school, it should be allowed to do so.

If the child did not want to go to school for days together, then parents should step in, shall try to find out the problem. They must know what is preventing the kid from going to school and do any other child or senior boys have become a threat. This type of conditions should be reported to the school teachers and make the child to feel secure.

Parents must know what happened in the school and any home work has been assigned. They have to observe whether the child is completing the home work every day or keeping them in pending.

In the weekends children should be allowed to do what they want and should see that they become fresh on first week day of the school.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Parents and Children Relation

Maintaining good relations with the children is a must for parents, because that will help to understand the children and also to instill confidence in their offspring. In the present world, where parents spend lot of time out of the home, maintaining relations with the kids is becoming an issue in the world.

Good relation with children mean that parents share their opinions with the kids fairly and meeting their entertainment and other needs. Good relation also mean that children share their experiences with their parents. Good relation demands friendliness between the parents and children. Fair treatment of both the kids in the family also forms part of good relation.

For maintaining good relation, parents must have patience and should take over some time for their kids. Even if it is difficult to find time in these days of busy days, this is a must for the parents to over come that problem. Parents should not feel it drudgery  to spend some time with their kids.

Lack of 'good relation' or relation at all, will spoil the children and will tell on their future. If parents fail to notice what their kids are doing in the leisurely hours will lead to bad decisions. When child is falling prey to bad habits, controlling them would become difficult to the parents, if they do not have relations with their kids.

Parents should take some time out from their daily schedule and that should be devoted to the children. After coming from office, parents shall go to the children strait away and say hello. After refreshing, shall sit with the children and tell what happened in the office and on the way to it. This will prompt the children to open up and they will tell their experiences.

Those parents, who come late in the night shall interact with the kids in the morning hours, say bye when the kids are leaving for school. This type of parents shall make it a practice to spend some time in the weekends. If it is possible, shall take the kids out for some ride around the town.

Most important part of parent and child relation is the money factor. As we know children do not have any earnings, they depend on parents for that. So parents have to give some money every month or fortnightly to the children for their needs. Apart from paying fee and buying books and other material, children will have needs like buying eatables and sport items.

Here parents must show cautiousness and check how the kids are spending the amounts being given to them. If the children using the money only to eat and they are eating more than what is deserved, parents must warn the children against it. Kid must be told about the danger of over eating.

Usually in the age group of 2 to 12 years, kids did not spend amount on unwanted things. Problem begins only in the teenage. They start visiting pubs, bars and gambling houses. This activity should be checked by the parents and if they found the children in such activity, should control it.

Parents shall encourage the children to share their experiences whether they are bad or good. If the children do some mistake and tell it, it shall not be taken as offence and should be discussed why it has taken place and who  is responsible. If parents scold children, when they tell the mistake they did, in  future they will stop to share such information and this will do lot of ham.

Whenever a child achieves something, parents must congratulate them and encourage them to more better. Parents shall know the activity in the school and how the child has done. They shall encourage the children to the participate in the school activity so that their social awareness increases.

Another issue to be taken care of between the parents and children relation is using the resources available with the family in a proper way. Parents must tell the value of each item in the house and tell the children how to guard them. They shall tell the loss that could accrue if the house hold articles are spoiled or damaged.  

Friday 3 June 2011

Dealing with Arts

In the previous article, we have discussed about how to deal with the science subjects. In this post we will discuss about, how to handle arts subjects.

Arts subjects, like languages and social studies are some what different from science subjects. While science subjects are based on theories, equations and concepts, arts subjects are based on history, information, observations, findings and theories.

These subjects are not strictly built on an order. They did not have definite pattern and one lesson did not have relation with other lesson. For example in English children are taught alphabets, words, framing sentences, grammar, writing essays and other issues. In history, lessons would be prepared on certain parts of the past time, ruling periods of various kings, freedom struggle, wars and other struggles.

Some subjects like geology, economics and commerce will contain theories, problems and equations. Geology contains various findings about the earth's surface, types of rocks and other things.

In a way arts subjects are some what dry, since they did not create much enthusiasm among the children. They find them boring and burdensome. In this subjects, child need not to apply mind to understand the lesson. They have to simply remember the information in the lessons and have to reproduce.

This makes children to feel some what punishment, since lot of information has to be kept in mind. They have to bye heart the lessons. Lessons in each class differ from the previous year's classes. They are to the most extent stand alone ones and there will be no need to depend on the previous year's class lessons.

This demands dependence on the memory and lot of concentration. If a kid's memory is good, it can do better. Children who have less memory did not have that opportunity and fail in exams.

In this backdrop, let us discuss how to over come these problems. As far as the languages is concerned, apart from reading the class lessons, students have to read lot of other books, like stories, poems and history. They should also read news papers to develop their skills of language. Listening to radio and TV news trains how to pronounce a word.

While reading the books, students must keep it in mind that they should also follow the spelling. Several words sound alike but they differ in meaning. Spelling of some words differ in phonetics and this should be taken care off. In languages, examiners strictly observe the spelling skills of the students and mis spell causes loss of marks.

They should also observe usage of words since it has a lot of importance. It is advisable to understand the meaning of the new words and using them in own sentences. Even native English students stumble in using the words properly.

History is the most difficult arts subject. It contains lot of dates and overlapping periods. Students have to remember the dates exactly and must differentiate between one date to another one. As far as history is concerned it is advisable to have an over all understanding of the dynasties that are contemporary, chronological and overlapping.

Dates of wars are the most important material that has to be remembered since they provide the information about when a dynasty has ended and another dynasty has taken over. History tells lot of things about the wars and places where they have been fought.

To keep all this information in the brain, student has to create exclusive cells in the memory. Like how we give names to a computer file, it is better to give an indicator to each legacy and period. They can create king-war-date type of phrases as indicator so that the key information could be remembered easily.

When it comes to Geography, an overall understanding of nature of lands is must. Here, phrases like type of land-country will help them to remember the key issues easily. Taking the help of glob, maps, models, pictures and photographs will help immensely. Visiting historical places will also help to understand.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Developing Concentration in Children

Most of the parents face memory  problem with their children when it comes to academic studies. Several students from 7 years old onward face this problem and parents get worried. Children who have secured good marks in the preliminary classes start losing them in the higher classes. In a class only two or three children do good and others lag behind.

Then what makes this? Why students lose marks at the higher level classes? These are the most debated questions and there was no single answer to them. Still lot of studies are going on the children and their memory issues. Results of them did not suggest one single solution. So this issue has to be understood by the parents with open mind.

As the student climbs up the ladder of academic career, burden of studies becomes more and more heavy. They have to read lot of books and learn lot of new concepts. Concepts at the higher classes would be more difficult and complex. Unless there is strong foundation children flounder at the higher classes. Most of the reading material in the upper classes depend on the basics taught at the lower classes.

So student and parents shall know one thing that by completing a class, student have lost all the relations with that class. Lessons taught in the previous class form the basis for the lessons in the higher classes. Once a student completes a class, he or she has to go through the lessons again and keep them fresh in the mind moving to the next class.

Subjects will have a structure and they will be taught in orderly manner. In the lower classes basics and concepts based on them would be taught in the higher classes. This rule applies to science subjects and arts subjects differ. We will discuss science and arts subjects separately.

In science subjects as told earlier, will be taught in an orderly manner and the students have to follow each basic without fail. If the student is perfect with the basics he or she could do well in the upper classes. Maths and science subjects will contain equations, theories, diagrams and experiments. By hearting the equations, understanding the concepts and theories, more experiments will help a student to excel in the studies.

As far as science subjects are concerned student has to read them with concentration.  Student has to develop love toward the subject and make the theories, equations as friends. As we frequently meet our friends so that we did not lose contact with them, students have to visit their 'theories and equations  friends' often and keep the relations fresh. Writing tests often will help the student keep in touch with the subjects.

Students having low memory and did not have enough confidence and have fear has to spend more time on the subjects. It would be advisable for them to write down the material on small slips or  on pocket notebooks and whenever they find time should read them. To develop concentration, this type students should reduce their activities, try to sit in a silent place, chase away the thoughts in the mind and shall focus only on the subjects.

In fact mind never will be empty. It will contain lot of thoughts about various things. Tilt toward unnecessary thoughts will lessen concentration on the studies. So students have to differentiate between necessary and unnecessary thoughts. They must share thoughts with parents and find what thoughts are necessary and what are unnecessary.

Parents of these students should interact with their kids often and know what is nagging their mind. Children should be told about and enlightened about the necessity to shed away the unnecessary thoughts and see that child concentrates on the studies.

Here one thing has to be kept in mind. Encouraging the children by giving whatever they ask, did not help in developing them. In fact it will spoil them. Once the parents budge to the demands of the children, they start resorting to the same practice.

Instead parents should convince the children on long term benefits of studies and the damages due to short term benefits. Children should be taken to the people who  have excelled in their fields and let the children feel, how those are enjoying higher status in the society. 

These will help the children to excel in the science subjects. In the next post we shall discuss the problems associated with arts subjects.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Judging the Children

Judging the children is a difficult task and some times leads parents to wrong conclusions. A good judgement of children will do lot of good to the kids and a bad judgement becomes a bane for them. Proper judgement gives a fair chance to the parents to take right decisions.

From childhood to teenage children character keeps changing. It varies from one year to another year. So parents can not judge their children basing on one or two years experience or observation. In the early childhood parents should have a open mind and observations should be objective. Depending on one manner did not help to judge the children.

Children did not have a personality in the early childhood. Some times they look like good and some times bad. At a certain age they look like clever and at an another stage they look like fools. Some times they would be happy and some times sad.

So the image of the children in the eyes of parents, teachers and others keeps changing. To come to a certain conclusion about a child's personality, parents need to have patience. In fact teenage is the right time to judge the children. Because by that time their character starts to develop. By that time their body will undergo biological changes and their preferences change.

Till they become men, children keep changing their attitudes toward various things. Some times they show interest in certain colors and after change it. Even in the case of food also children change their attitude. Some like spicy, baked and fried food and some times they dislike the same food items.

From the teenage they will develop ambitions and set goals for their life. They start working in that direction and that will form their character. If a kid wants to become an academic scholar they show interest in reading various books. Those want to become sportsmen will spend more time on their respective sport. Like wise children start working on their interests in the early teenage. In this age they will have lot of enthusiasm and show vigour in excelling in their respective activity.

So this age will give proper indications about their attitude. Here parents can come to an understanding about the personality of the children. Usually this personality styas for life.

At this stage parents have to understand the interests and find out whether the children are really interested in their respective fields or not. If a child is really interested in certain activity that leads to a good life, parents should encourage the children.

This stage is also quite vulnerable and the children are tend to become addictive to bad habits. Bad habits like smoking, watching porn movies, showing much interest in meeting the girls, dating and others will attract and the teenagers become addictive to them.

So the parents should observe the kids' activities and find out whether they are hiding some thing. If a boy or girl preferring to stay in their rooms for lot of time behind the closed doors, parents should smell the rat. It is advisable to check their rooms and find out whether they are keeping unwanted material in their rooms.

If they find anything that is dangerous, parents should warn children to avoid them. Here parents have to be cautious and patience. Severe punishments will not do good. Children should be persuaded in a consistent and mild manner to give up bad habits. Parents should counsel children about the consequences of bad habits and make the children to understand them.