Sunday 12 June 2011

Aliens and Children

Aliens are the most attractive subject for the children now a days. In the conversations of most of the children aliens do take place. This shows how much interested are they in aliens. However it did not cause any damage to children. Rather than it expands their imagination capacity and keeps them busy.

If we ask ourselves why aliens attract children, the obvious answer would be the news about them in the TVs and news papers, films on that subject and fears that aliens might attack earth any time. Here parents do not have much role.

But like any other habit, aliens might also become an addiction to the children and few of them might try to contact them. They may make experiments being suggested by those who did not have much knowledge. In this back drop parents have to be cautious and warn children about the dangers of trying to contact those, whom we did not know.

So far no credible evidence is being presented to the world about existence of aliens. No one could say surly whether people  on the other planet are friendly or not.

Aliens is not only a hot topic among children but also in the youngsters. Even elders also show interest about aliens occurrence and news about flying soccer.

In fact aliens is a very interesting subject. Since the man entered in to space, so much thought has been given to this subject. Many writers, intellectuals and astronomers are discussing whether there is life outside out planet. Several novels being written about the aliens and their behaviour. If there is life, like human beings on the earth, on another planet, whether they are much intelligent than us or not is the moot question of these discussion.

Those who have the knowledge of aliens usually think about how to deal with them, if they are seen really on the earth. How could we communicate with them? Whether they are friendly creatures or not, are the some of the questions nagging the enthusiasts.

Now we discuss whether we shall allow the children to think about the aliens or not. My opinion is that they shall be allowed. While thinking about the aliens children come across several issues related to astronomy. They can gain the knowledge of planets, galaxies, how life emerged on the earth and other issues relating to celestial matters.

Of course the shows on the TV did not give much knowledge about the aliens but, the books, articles and documentaries do give lot of knowledge. Parents can leverage this opportunity and divert the attention of children who are much interested in celestial things toward astronomy.

Future much promises about the opportunities in astronomy field. Research, engineering, IT related activities and others will give lot of job opportunities to the children when they go for jobs. So far no subject is not introduced about the life on other planets. In this context parents shall help the children by giving books about astronomy.

Aliens, itself is a much enthusiastic subject. As we feel so lonely on  our earth, people on the other planets also feel the same way. Once we come in to contact with other world, our knowledge will not find no bounds.

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