Wednesday 29 June 2011

Kids and Teachers Relationship

Teachers are the next people to parents in moulding the character of kids. The knowledge, guidance, supervision and training will mould the child in to a person. Personality of the children will start taking a shape at school level. The guidance they take at the school will mould their life. The teachings of the teachers will become the basic elements of the personality that settles down in a person's life.

The teacher and student relationship is sacred, strong and affectionate. Teachers show a strong influence on the students. They leave a mark in the hearts of the students. That is why children remember their teachers through out their life.

Children will imitate and follow their teachers along with their parents. In most of the cases kids adopt good qualities of the teachers.

So parents and teachers shall act as ideal persons to the children. Teachers shall behave properly before the students. They shall teach the students how to behave at home and in the society. Teachers shall understand a student and shall act according to them as much as possible.

They shall find the good qualities of the students and encourage them to maintain such qualities. They shall also find out the skills of the students and help them to improve them. If teacher confines only to teach lessons and examining the home works, they could not build a relation with a student. If a teacher works like a robot that will spoil their relations with the kids.

As much as possible teachers shall behave with affection with the children. Children always expect affection from the people around them. If a student is punished he or she shall be soothed at a latter time. Student must be told that the punishment was given to correct them and a teacher will not be an enemy to him or her.

Teachers shall not discuss worldly affairs before the students. This will bring down the reputation of them in the eyes of the children. Teacher shall dress properly and shall have a smile on their face. They shall not beat the children at any cost.

If a teacher finds that a kid was doing something wrong, he or she shall warn the child against that. If the teachers ignores the wrongdoings of the children, they will take it for granted and that settles down in their minds.

Teachers' words will have a lot of influence on the children. So teachers shall always tell good things to the children. They shall also tell what is bad. Children will follow what their teachers say religiously and teachers shall note that point.

Teachers shall maintain relations with the parents of the children and inform about the behaviour of the students. If a child becomes problematic, they shall discuss this with the parents and shall try to correct the problem.

Parents have to speak respectably about the teachers before the students. If the parents talk in a mean way about the teachers, kids will not respect the teachers.

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