Monday 27 June 2011

Children and Imaginations

Imagination is a gift being given by God to the human being. Not only thoughts but imaginations will also be there in the human mind. These imaginations lead to many things to happen in the world. They may be good or bad, but they are there.

Children also will have their own imaginations. About themselves, about their parents, about the world, about their future and lot more. Imaginations keep them in good humor and some time they engross themselves in them. These prompts them to do good and bad things.

Thoughts and imaginations are different. Thoughts belong to real world and imaginations belong to wishes and fancies. Thoughts give real picture of the world and imaginations give false and lopsided picture. Most of the times imaginations dominate thought.

A child imagines herself as a queen, a celebrity, a millionaire's daughter, a wise person and in so many other ways. The imaginations will spring from the situations at the home. If a boy or girl did not have good parents they imagine about a good family where parents are good and kind.

If a child belongs to a poor family it imagines itself as a daughter of a millionaire and imagines her life as a millionaire's daughter. Such type of thoughts will give them some satisfaction and gives some strength to face the realities of the world.

Imaginations did not limit to the poor and disappointed children. They also occur in the minds of the children who have enough money and good parents. In these cases children imagine themselves as celebrities or close people to them.

Since they did not meet the celebrities often they satisfy their desire by imagining so. Children also want a celebrity life. They want a lot of following, a shower of compliments. Some want to become sports persons, some want to be film stars and some want to be bigwigs in the society.

Some times this imaginations lead to unwanted conditions. If a child is much interested in becoming a popular film star, it runs out of home searching for opportunities to realise its dreams. A child want to be sportsperson concentrates on that particular sport.

Most of the times children did not know the reality. They did not know how difficult it is to achieve something without having the needed support. To realise  a dream one needs to have a suitable body, conditions at home, having some experience and guidance.

Since children did not have the knowledge of reality, they think that they can do whatever if they are bold. We can see such children in several cities. Out of them only few will realise their dreams.

In these matters parents did not have much role to play since they did not have the knowledge about the imaginations in the minds of their kids. In majority of conditions children did not tell their imaginations to the parents.

However, parents can have a knowledge of their children's imaginations if they regularly watch. The imaginations come out in the talk, behaviour and imitations. If parents can know what a child is imagining they can encourage or discourage depending on the situation.

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