Sunday 29 May 2011

Sleep of Children

A good sleep in the night will help immensely in proper growth of children. Bad sleep or no sleep in the night will tell on their health, mental ability and on other functions. Parents need to take care of the children with regard to sleep. If children experiencing bad sleep in the night, it would be better to take the help of doctors.

Children face problems in sleeping from 3 years onward since they would be exposed happenings in their surroundings. Various environmental and other problems will have their effect on the sleep of children. As they develop thoughts in their mind they would also have their impact on the children's sleep.

Usually kids need long sleep in depends on one age to another age. At least 9 hours of sleep is needed for their better growth. Less sleep causes drowsiness in the day time. They lack concentration in the day work and prefer sleep in the afternoon. A sleep in the afternoon is also preferable for kids. Many schools allow children to sleep in the afternoon hours.

Since children would be very active in the day time and do lot of physical work like playing and other things they become tired by night. Going to bed by 9 pm is preferable as it will help them to wake up by six am in the morning. Much late in going to bet will prolong the waking up time in the morning. Late in  going to bed and waking early in the morning will cause lot of trouble.

Children should wake as early as 6 or 6.30 am in the morning so that they can prepare for catching the bus to school. Washing, having breakfast, preparing their school bag and other sundry work will take their own time and children should have enough time to complete them in an orderly manner. Hurried preparation causes forgetting some and cause problems at school.

Usually children come down to home by 4 pm and go for playing. After coming from play, they will complete work given in the school, watch TV and have dinner and have some chat with parents and then go to bed. Even this activity also should be planned so that each activity could be done comfortably.

For a better sleep in the night children should not have any worry in their mind with regard to several things. Apart from worry about activity on the next day at school, other worries like problems with friends, school bus, health problems and others should be addressed by the parents. If the children is worrying about something, parents should calm down them by suggesting alternative ways to over come those problems.

The bed children use, the room where they sleep and bedsheets on the bed should be clean and tidy. Bed must be comfortable so that it did not disturb the sleep of the kid. Dim light, silence, warm cloths or coolness according to weather  conditions and comfort will help the children to have a good sleep.

Children should not be allowed to watch horror movies or other frightening shows on the TV since they will disturb their mental peace and cause sleeplessness. They must have a good dinner so that they did not feel hungry in the middle of the night.

Parents must develop the habit of waking up early in the morning in the children and it should be observed strictly. Only in conditions like sickness and in other conditions this could be relaxed.

It must be observed that whether the children feeling fresh and active in the morning or not. If they are not getting such feeling, it is the indication of bad sleep in the night.

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